Welcome to the Open Source Green Forum!


Hey there!

Thank’s for joining the Open Source Green community. We look forward to welcoming your diversity and contributions to our growing community.

Our goal is simple: to generate open-source content that can be easily accessed by anyone to help create more sustainable built environments for future generations. We want to build a platform that will bring together like-minded individuals with the common purpose of growing the green economy.

Who is it for?

Open Source Green is for anyone with an interest in creating a better world. Whether you’re an industry professional or simply someone wanting to grow you knowledge base, the Open Source Green community provides information relevant to you.

What you’ll find here

Open Source Green taps into the collective knowledge of the wider community and covers diverse topics all related to sustainability. If you have a question, post it and await a response from others using the platform. You’ll also find hugely insightful resources, in the form of article and video links, on the latest developments in the sustainability industry.

Where to from here?

Feel free to browse the forum and search for interesting conversations. When you feel like contributing or interacting with the Open Source Green community, then sign up and get going!

The Open Source Green Team :slight_smile:




